Plans to build a Men’s Shed for Beacon were first proposed at Beacon Progress Association meeting in early 2009, by several older gentlemen of the community when funds became available from the Federal Government Stimulus Package along with funds from the Mt Marshall Shire Industrial Business Reserve for Beacon.
After many hours of volunteer work and equipment, along with much appreciated assistance from the Mt Marshall Shire work crew, the Men’s Shed was finally completed in February 2010. Local Beacon men coordinated the works and many community volunteers helped to get the shed up and ready for the opening.
A number of tools and other items were donated, along with a 1947 Allis Chalmers tractor and 1950's International truck for repair and restoration. Many more tools, work benches and machinery to make the shed fully functional were purchased with funding from Lotterywest. Kitchen and office equipment were also donated to equip the shed’s kitchen, and a unisex disabled access toilet was installed.
The Beacon Men’s Shed was officially opened by Mr Bruce Ingleton & Mr Maurice Bailey with the unveiling of the sheds new sign, “Beacon Men’s Shed, Community Workshop”, designed by a local creative sign writer, Roz Anstee.
The Beacon Big Busy Bee community BBQ, sponsored by the Beacon Progress Association, followed the unveiling with all the volunteer workers of the day all joining in the opening celebrations.
The Beacon Men’s Shed is situated at the entrance to the Beacon Sporting Complex, adjacent to the Sandalwood Dray Shed and War Memorial.
The Beacon Men’s Shed is under the management of the Beacon Progress Association.